There have been fourteen cohorts and 378 graduates of the Reintegration Academy: 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020 (2 cohorts), 2021 (2 cohorts), 2022 (2 cohorts), 2023. In terms of outcomes, the Reintegration Academy measures success as alumni of the program having a job and/or being in college, and staying out of prison during a three-year period. The following data represent the program’s success rates: 2009: 75%, 2012: 86%, 2013: 88%, 2014: 88%, 2015: 89%, 2017: 92% (at two-year mark).
Participants in each cohort were given a series of questions to respond to before the program began and after the program ended. These questions revolved around their confidence and preparedness in academics, life skills, and career development. There was improvement in each category from the pre-program assessment to the post-program assessment for all cohorts. See the summary data below.
2019 Cohort: Post Program Outcomes
--What helped a lot was having guest speakers that comes up and shared their experience of where they came from, it was very relatable.
--I enjoyed the RA and the academy taught me that the sky's the limit. And I can do what I want to do if I apply myself and work hard.
--I appreciate the whole program and it enlightened everybody else.
--It was very informational and very uplifting. very positive and it was great help. Great experience and I will never forget it.
--Life changing, encourage others who want to put in the work to invest in this program and it teaches life skills that will take you very far in life.
---It’s amazing how many volunteers there were. I know now how to network and use the resources that are available to me, it reaffirms that not to.
--So much I have to praise Dr. Reese, I am very grateful for the experience of the program because it made me think about what I want to do with my life. I didn’t know what to do until I attended the program.
--The whole structure of the program is very well put together, everything is very put together, very helpful on how to be successful. Very resourceful.
--Doing a college prep that I didn’t think I could do, it gave me a confidence, that I can do anything as long as I am confident.
--The opportunity that is available to those who have been incarcerated, the network and the family that is opened to us as we come out. to be there for us, to overextend themselves after the fact, to be there for us. it is very inspiring, and very important.
--I learned that I can do anything that i put my mind and effort in to. There is nothing that is not available to me. I would tell everybody to do it because the network is huge.
--To begin, I learned true sister and brotherhood. I experienced an energy of compassion, love and a driven force that was much needed in my world. I have only been a member of this society 3 months next week. I needed the Reintegration Academy. It reinforced my values in life and gave me the confidence I was lacking since being released after serving 20 years in prison. Effective communication skills is necessary and I value what was taught to me. I had no Money management skills prior to this class and am grateful for what I learned. I had no idea about what a credit score was or the importance of saving. I was inspired weekly by every guest speaker that attended and again my confidence level grew. Dr. Reese topped it all off by sharing his knowledge and wisdom with us. I could never forget him! I will always be grateful for him and keep in contact with him. I hope to be able to one day be a part of the inspiration given to the future classes. God Bless!
--The power of networking.--Thank you with all my heart for this wonderful opportunity. The reintegration academy provided me with tangible results that will have a profound effect on the rest of my life. In a brief time, I obtained a working budget, secured credit card, began student loan rehabilitation process, enrolled in Chaffey College, received bog waiver, established a fantastic network, and met some of the most caring volunteers on the planet; this truly was a magnificent program. I cannot express how grateful I am to everyone who took the time to help me achieve a rock solid foundation of hope. I humbly pray I can one day serve those who come after myself and my community as a whole. This was truly a life changing experience. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible.
--What I learn is the power of network and the support system.
--I really enjoyed the program, it was very insightful, it gave me a lot of knowledge on how to get things started. I really enjoyed every session, be more open and know what to expect.
--It’s a great program for those who just got out of prison and wants to get a foot in.
--The power of education and the strength in networking with a strong club, I’m forever a happy member of the program. I love that inclusivity of the club.
--You should always have a strong network surrounding you. There’s a future for anybody that stays dedicated and motivated; success is there if you want it.
--I learned basic soft skills.
--I learned my future depends on myself and the choices I make. The Reintegration Academy gave me hope to strive and achieve my goals. They gave me the tools and the encouragement to follow my dreams. Thank you!
--I learned that I am not limited in my choices. That even though I have a past it does not define what I can achieve. I have the confidence to know that I can be anything I want to and I still will. I have the belief in myself as a person with potential and the ability to also give back to other who need to be uplifted like I did. There will always be challenges but it is how you look at them and move through them that shape who you are. I appreciate the opportunity that I had so much and look forward to helping others see their potential. It was truly a moving experience and I now network everywhere I go.
--It was such an amazing program and I enjoyed every moment of it, everybody was very helpful.
--I highly encourage those who just got out to join the program, very helpful.
--Thank you so much for all your support and all of your kindness during the past 8 weeks. I’ve gained so many connections as well as support.
--Thank you for being there and believing in us and that we can change and be a better version of our past.
2015 Reintegration Academy Cohort: Pre-Program/Post Program Outcomes
2014 Reintegration Academy Cohort: Pre-Program/Post-Program Outcomes
Pre-Program Narrative Responses to the question: What do you hope to learn in the Reintegration Academy?
I hope to gain knowledge in how to find and keep employment. I also hope to learn which fields are best suited to my personality so I can gain experience within them.
I hope to learn new information about myself and the career that’s most appropriate for my character and interest. I'm open to learn anything that will help me be successful in life.
How to overcome my release from prison [and] go to school for liberal arts.
I need direction in my academic development. I am currently enrolled at Palo Verde College. I also need direction in my career development.
I am enthusiastic about learning the basic skills that will assist me in succeeding. I look forward to being able to utilize these skills in society.
Everything I can. To better myself in life. Thank You!
I hope to learn how to effectively reach my goals. Accomplish what I dream about. And, to be an asset to my community. Help others!
How to live a more successful life and learn these things that I don’t know how to do effectively and not just learn them but live them as well.
Post-Program Narrative Responses to the question: What did you learn in the Reintegration Academy?
I have learned a lot about myself and how I can benefit others. I am confident that I have the tools (or am now aware of) where to go to succeed in life. I believe in the quote by John Wooden that success is peace of mind that put the best effort to do the best I could do.
I've learned that I am capable. I didn’t believe that I was before I started this program. Now, I know that I can do what I choose with my life if I put the effort into it. I also pinpointed my strengths and decided my career path.
I learned not to give up. That there are second chances out there. Not everybody is going to judge me because of my background. The most important thing I learn was to control my anger and be humble.
Within this Reintegration, I am not ashamed to say I will take what I learned which is to gain opportunity and taking full advantage of with a loving drive to succeed and will take the knowledge and put it forth with my ministry to create a legacy of unconditional love.
I have learned to believe in yourself and to always take advantage of the opportunities that you are offered. Remain positive, and continue to network. To never give up!
There isn’t enough space to write everything down, but I'm going to try. I have learned how to enroll into college, how to fill out the FAFSA, how to make a resume, how to prepare for a job interview, how to network, how to use my resources, the type of careers and majors available. It also inspired and further motivated me to want more in my life.
2012 Reintegration Academy Cohort: Pre-Program/Post-Program Outcomes
2013 Reintegration Academy Cohort: Pre-Program/Post-Program Outcomes